Sword of the Guardian Highly Compressed PC Game Free Download
Sword of the Guardian PC Game Free Download-CODEX

Sword of the Guardian PC Game is an older fashion Beat’em up game. Setting in the medieval period, the Swordsman, which was accompanied by the Monk and the Dwarf, and which is taking on a heroic voyage and warfare in opposition to the villains to defend their people.
Sword of the Guardian PC Game is counted in the old time video game which is in the game’s categories of the action and indie video games. It was released on 18th of June in the year of 2018.
GamePlay Screenshots Of Swords Of The Guardian

System Requirements (Min&Rec)
⦿ Operating System or OS: Microsoft Windows VISTA/ Microsoft Windows 7/ Microsoft Windows 8/ Microsoft Windows 8.1/ Microsoft Windows 10
⦿ Personal Computer (PC) Processor: Processor should be of Intel i5 or equivalent with a power of 1.5 Giga Hertz (GHz) or higher
⦿ Random Access Memory or also known as RAM: At least 2 GB (Giga Bytes) should be present
⦿ Video card or also called as Graphics card: Onboard or dedicated graphics accelerator with VRAM of about at least 1 Giga Bytes (GB)
⦿ DirectX: Version 11 is needed
⦿ Free Hard Disk (HDD) Storage or space: 8 Giga Bytes should be available
Sword of the Guardian PC Game
⦿ Operating System or OS: Microsoft Windows 7/ Microsoft Windows 8/ Microsoft Windows 8.1/ Microsoft Windows 10/ Microsoft Windows
⦿ Personal Computer (PC) Processor: Processor should be of Intel i5 or equivalent with a power of more than 1.5 Giga Hertz (GHz) or higher
⦿ Random Access Memory or also known as RAM: More than 2 GB (Giga Bytes) should be present
⦿ Video card or also called as Graphics card: Onboard or dedicated graphics accelerator with VRAM of more than 1 Giga Bytes (GB)
⦿ Version of DirectX: Version 11
⦿ Free Hard Disk (HDD) Storage or space: 8 Giga Bytes (GB)
How To Download & Install Swords of Guardian PC Game
⦿ First of all download the torrent file of the Sword of the Guardian PC Game that we have given in our download links just by clicking on the download button at the end of the game’s page
⦿ After you have downloaded the torrent file of the game by following the instructions then you have to open it by double clicking on it this action will show all the game’s files that are necessary files of the game that are required to run the game properly
⦿ After you have downloaded all the game’s file of the torrent then you have to go to the folder and then you have to install the game using settings that are recommended
⦿ After the installation of the game and all the necessary files that are also related then you have to go to the folder where you have installed the game (after the installation) and then you have to open the game’s icon which will have “.exe” written just in the end you have to open it as the rights of administrator
⦿ Enjoy the Sword of the Guardian PC Game
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