Quantum Replica PC Game Free Download
Quantum Replica Free Download-Reloaded

Quantum Replica PC Game, you are an interloper an unidentified. Un-registered entity that has one way or another managed to enter the cyberpunk heart of this extensive megacity. It’s year of the 2084, and the world bow to a cruel corporate association which is known as the Syndicate. Under the iridescent neon lights of never-ending metropolis, populaces scratch out a living. Afraid of mercenary army and their nameless masters. Here, secret are buried bitter and deep. Secret that you have got to find. At the same time as exploring the city and looking for clues about your survival, you’ll notice various time-manipulation abilities to master.
In Quantum Replica PC Game discover great and big cyberpunk city with 5 separate zones. Conquer all the powerful bosses. Metroidvania examination with many hidden secrets to find out. A huge cyberpunk city comprising 5 distinct zones. Learn charming time-manipulating ability by defeating authoritative bosses.
GamePlay Screenshots Of Quantum Replica

System Requirements (Min&Rec)
⦿ Operating System or OS: Microsoft Windows 7/ Microsoft Windows 8/ Microsoft Windows 8.1/ Microsoft Windows 10 and all of them should be of 64-bits
⦿ Personal Computer (PC) required Processor: INTEL Core 2 Duo with 2.3 Giga Hertz rate of Dual Core
⦿ Random Access Memory or RAM: At least 4 GB
⦿ Graphics card or which is also known as Video card: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 550 or ATI Radeon HD 5400 with VRAM of about 1 Giga Bytes (GB)
⦿ Required Sound Card: Direct X version 9.0 Compatible
⦿ Version of the Direct X: 9.0
⦿ Free Hard Disk space or storage: At least 7 GB (Giga Bytes) should be free
Quantum Replica PC Game
⦿ Operating System or OS: Windows 7/ Microsoft Windows 8/ Microsoft Windows 8.1/ Microsoft Windows 10
⦿ Personal Computer (PC) required Processor: INTEL Core i3
⦿ Random Access Memory or RAM: 8 GB
⦿ Video Memory: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 660 or ATI Radeon HD 5400 with VRAM of about 2 Giga Bytes (GB)
⦿ Any Sound Card needed: Yes DirectX version 9 well-matched or Compatible
⦿ Hard Drive: 7 Giga Bytes (GB) should be free
How To Download & Install Quantum Replica PC Game
⦿ First of all download the torrent file by clicking on the download button
⦿ After you have downloaded the torrent file open it by double clicking on it and then you have to download all the files of the game
⦿ After you have downloaded all the game’s files go to its folder and install the game using recommended settings
⦿ Go to the folder where the game has been installed and open the game’s icon which will have “.exe” written in the end
⦿ Enjoy Quantum Replica PC Game
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